People For the American Way and its affiliate, People For the American Way Foundation, are progressive advocacy organizations founded to fight right-wing extremism and build a democratic society that implements the ideals of freedom, equality, opportunity and justice for all. They encourage civic participation, defend fundamental rights, and fight to dismantle systemic barriers to equitable opportunity.
Hall of Fame
Nelfer, Natasha
She came under the scrutiny of church leadership last fall when Stephen Daley, stake president in Derby, Kan., sent her a letter expressing concern that her public views on the use of pornography, masturbation and same-sex marriage contradict church teaching. Referring to her beliefs about LGBTQ members, he asked in a Nov. 9, 2020 letter, “Do you consider the Church toxic and unsafe for its members?” 1
Magnus, Chris
Police Chief of Tucson, Arizona, and now the Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection.
President Joe Biden is nominating Tucson, Ariz., Police Chief Chris Magnus, a gay man and an advocate for progressive policing policies, to be commissioner of Customs and Border Protection. Magnus would be the first out member of the LGBTQ+ community to lead CPB, which is part of the Department of Homeland Security. He was one of six Homeland Security nominees Biden announced Monday. 2
Progressive Talk Shows
Senators in Support of the Equality Act (H.R. 5)
We write to urge you to immediately bring the bipartisan Equality Act (H.R. 5) to the Senate floor for a vote and fully enshrine in federal law explicit protections for LGBTQIA+ people against discrimination on the basis of their sexual orientation and gender identity. This bill enjoys bipartisan support in both chambers of Congress and has been endorsed by a broad coalition that includes over 275 businesses, 50 trade and professional associations, and 500 advocacy organizations. (PDF)
Jennifer Carroll Foy’s Race for the Governorship
Del. Jennifer D. Carroll Foy said Tuesday that she was stepping down from her seat in the Virginia legislature to focus on the 2021 governor’s race. Carroll Foy (D-Prince William) released a video casting her decision as a “bold” move on behalf of Virginians whose interests have long been ignored — and who have borne the brunt of the coronavirus pandemic. 3
Carroll-Foy, Jennifer
- Jennifer Carroll Foy’s Race for the Governorship
Del. Jennifer D. Carroll Foy said Tuesday that she was stepping down from her seat in the Virginia legislature to focus on the 2021 governor’s race. Carroll Foy (D-Prince William) released a video casting her decision as a “bold” move on behalf of Virginians whose interests have long been ignored — and who have borne the brunt of the coronavirus pandemic. 1
Evangelical support of Donald Trump spits on his legacy
I chose to listen to my spirit to speak out. Not because doing so feels comfortable, but because it feels like the right way to leverage the voice God has empowered me with. Now I am asking all of you who feel as I do, to embrace your inner tug, and allow it to lead you to use the power of your God-given voice and not allow Trump to lead this country for another four years.
Jerushah Duford
-, Jerushah Duford, August 26, 2020 – I’m Billy Graham’s granddaughter. Evangelical support of Donald Trump spits on his legacy. – By supporting Donald Trump, evangelical leaders are failing us and failing the Gospel. Christian women must step up where our church leaders won’t.
Trump Shows the World – Okay to Pose with Corpse
“WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday pardoned two Army officers accused of war crimes in Afghanistan and restored the rank of a Navy SEAL platoon commander who was demoted for actions in Iraq, a move critics have said would undermine military justice and send a message that battlefield atrocities will be tolerated.” 4
“President Trump intervened in three cases involving war crimes accusations on Friday, issuing full pardons to two soldiers and reversing disciplinary action against a Navy SEAL despite opposition raised by military justice experts and some senior Pentagon officials.” 5
Gay and Proud Olympian – Gus Kenworthy
Her encouragement allowed @GusKenworthy to become an Olympian. #LoveOverBias Find out more:
— P&G everyday™ (@PGeveryday) January 19, 2018
Gus Kenworthy @Guskenworthy